nikmat sihat selapis kulit
kita hidup bahagia tanpa derita
indah fizikal kita selapis kulit cuma
yang putih, yang gebu, yang elok, yang mulus
bila gatal bergaru
luka berparut
sakit bernanah
melecur tertanggal
selapis kulit jadi dugaan
yang meminjam dan yang memandang
selapis kulit setinggi nikmat
harus dijaga, dipelihara
harus ditutup sempurna mana yang perlu
tak perlulah bangga menjaja bilamana itu pinjaman cuma
alHamdulillaah, today I went to the HKL for a follow up. Got ready early in the morning and headed straight to HKL after dropping my children at kindy. I took my baby along to accompany me during the follow up :)
report was out and my granuloma was confirmed harmless, alHamdulillaah!
it was just the people who suffer various skin diseases and conditions whom I saw at the lobby at the Dermatologist unit that made me very thankful for my healthy skin, and may Allaah grant us all good health inside out, Ameen.